Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Health and Safety Benefits of Replacing Kerosene Candles with Solar Lamps

In rural Africa, more and more families are switching on solar powered lamps to light their homes. Here's why: 

Increased education opportunities 
SolarAid Child, Solar LED Lamp
... Children have the opportunity to do better at school because they can study after dark. This means more opportunities as they grow up. And by using a solar light, teachers in rural areas can prepare lesson plans and mark homework. 

Save (and create) money

... Money previously spent on kerosene and candles can be invested elsewhere and the extra 'light time' means adults can be more productive (for example running a small enterprise in the evening).
Kerosene Lamps, Africa LED Lighting
 Improved health with clean light

... People become healthier as fewer households are polluted by the smoke from kerosene lanterns. This also means a reduced risk of burns.

 Reduced carbon emissions
Africa LED Solar Lamp, SolarAid
.... A single kerosene lamp emits one tonne of carbon dioxide over five years; that's the equivalent of driving your car from London to Moscow and back. We estimate every three solar lamps means at least one less kerosene lamp in use. 


SolarAid LogoSolarAid:

What they do:

SolarAid sell affordable solar lights to rural communities in Africa. Just £6 covers the delivery costs of an individual light, enabling a family to light their home. Brilliant. Share A Light now.


Their strategy:

SolarAid sell solar lights through SunnyMoney, By catalysing the market and ensuring the availability of quality solar lights, they can replace kerosene lamps with clean, safe, affordable alternatives. And by partnering with others they can spread the model across Africa. Simple.

Their Impact:

The challenge they face. Only 14.2% of people in rural sub-saharan Africa have access to electricity*.

They've found that quality solar lights increase people’s income by an average 20% per month, cut carbon emissions, improve education and better health. Together, they are lighting homes, schools and health clinics with clean and affordable light from the sun.

 *IEA, World Energy Outlook 2011

 How do we all know all this? Visit their Impact page to find out! 

 Did you know?

Using kerosene for light is cripplingly expensive, burning through, on average, 20% of a household’s income each month! And that's not to mention the pollution, burns and effect on climate change that these small tin lamps have.  


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